Sample Publications and Presentations

Select Books/Book Chapters

Danzon, P., and E. Keuffel. "Regulation of the pharmaceutical-biotechnology industry." In Economic Regulation and Its Reform: What Have We Learned?, pp. 407-484. University of Chicago Press, 2014.

Towse, A., E Keuffel, H. Kettler, and D. Ridley. "Drugs and vaccines for developing countries." The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of the Biopharmaceutical Industry (2012): 302-35.

Preker, A., H Beciu, E Keuffel. Financing the Education of Health Workers: Gaining A Competitive Edge. World Scientific Press, 2019.

Gaining A Competitive Edge

Select Papers / Presentations

Keuffel EJ Rizzo, M Stevens, C Gunnarsson, K Maheshwari.  "Hospital costs associated with intraoperative hypotension among non-cardiac surgical patients in the US: a simulation model.” Journal of Medical Economics.  Vol. 22, Issue 7 (2019).

Keuffel EM Stevens, C Gunnarsson, J Rizzo, D Sessler, K Maheshwari.  "A Monte Carlo simulation estimating US hospital cost reductions associated with hypotension control in septic ICU patients.” Journal of Medical Economics.  Vol. 22, Issue 4 (2019).

Keuffel E, PA McCullough, TM Todoran, ES Brilakis, SR Palli, MP Ryan, C Gunnarsson.  "The Effect of MARCE Incidence, Procedure Volume and Unit Cost on the Hospital Savings Resulting from Contrast Media Use in Inpatient Angioplasty." Journal of Medical Economics.  Vol. 21, Issue 4 (2018).

Keuffel, E, W. Jaskiewicz, K. Theppanya, and K. Tulenko. "Cost-Effectiveness of Rural Incentive Packages for Graduating Medical Students in Lao PDR." Int. J Health Policy Manag. 7, no. 6 (2017): p. 383-94.

Scheffler R, G Cometto, K Tulenko, T Bruckner, J Liu, E Keuffel, A Preker, B Stilwell, J Brasileiro, J Campbell. "Health workforce requirements for universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals – Background paper N.1 to the WHO Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030." Human Resources for Health Observer Series No 17 (2016). World Health Organization.

Preker AS, OO Adeyi, MG Lapetra, DC Simon, E Keuffel.  "Health Care Expenditures Associated with Pollution: Exploratory Methods and Findings."  Annals of Global Health 82, no. 5 (2016): p.711-21.

W. Jaskiewicz, C. Lemiere, D. Phillips, J. Spetz and E. Keuffel. "Measuring and Analyzing Salaries and Incentives." Health Labor Market Analysis in low and Middle Income Countries: An Evidence Based Approach. World Bank (2016): 213-240.

Keuffel, E. "Price Differentiation across Low and Middle Income Pharmaceutical Markets." Value in Health 19, no. 3 (2016): A262.

Keuffel, E., W. Jaskiewicz, C. Paphassarang, and K. Tulenko. "Net costs of health worker rural incentive packages: An example from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic." Medical Care 51, no. 11 (2013): 985-991.

Keuffel, E.  “Valuation and Cost Effectiveness of Rural Incentive Programs for New Physicians in Lao PDR”. International Health Economics Association, Milan, IT 2015.

Keuffel, E. “Valuation and Cost Effectiveness of Rural Incentive Programs for New Physicians in Lao PDR”. Global Symposium for Health Systems Research, Cape Town, SA 2014. 

Keuffel, E. “Direct to Consumer Advertising and R&D Effort in Pharmaceuticals”. American Society of Health Economists (ASHE), Los Angeles, CA, 2014.

Keuffel, E. “Income Concentration and Price Differentiation in Low and Middle Income Pharmaceutical Markets”.  International Health Economics Association (IHEA), Sydney, AU 2013.  

Keuffel, E. “The Impact of Physical Activity on Short-Run Health Care Utilization”. American Society of Health Economists (ASHE), Minneapolis, MN, 2012.

Keuffel, E. “Within-country and Between-country Price Differentiation in Low and Middle Income Pharmaceutical Markets". American Society of Health Economists (ASHE), Minneapolis, MN, 2012. 

Keuffel, E. “Income Concentration and Price Differentiation in Low and Middle Income Pharmaceutical Markets”. World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center – Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information Conference, Vienna, AUS, 2011. 

Keuffel, E.  “The Impact of Physical Activity on Short-Run Health Care Utilization”.  International Health Economics Association (IHEA), Toronto, CAN, 2011.